17 Unique Book Publishers Accepting Direct Submissions
by Writing Workshops Staff
3 years ago

If you have a great book manuscript on your hands but no agent, fear not! The 17 unique publishers below specialize across genres and boast fantastic reputations. They're all open to direct, unagented submissions. So polish your manuscript and submit it to one of these great independent publishers (and, if you're looking for a class in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, or screenwriting, we've got you covered):
Arte Público Press, from its beginnings on the artistic fringe during the Hispanic Civil Rights Movement to its current status as the oldest and most accomplished publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by US Hispanic authors, Arte Público Press and its imprint, Piñata Books, have become a showcase for Hispanic literary creativity, arts and culture.
Cune Press publishes work with roots in the Middle East but also West Coast authors, as well as works with a social conscience.
Haymarket Books is a radical, independent, nonprofit book publisher based in Chicago, a project of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change. “Haymarket Books is my favorite publisher. I try to read as many of their books as I can. If I had the time, I’d read every single one. They are real mavericks in the book world, publishing in the tradition of the late Howard Zinn.” —Eddie Vedder
Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP) are best known for their books on the autism spectrum, social work, arts therapies, mental health, counseling, palliative care, practical theology and gender diversity. They want their books to inspire readers to change society for the better.
Kaya Press publishes literature being produced throughout the Asia Pacific Diaspora. They have an open submission process, and their Editorial Board meets three times a year to discuss manuscripts.
Peepal Tree Press aims to publish the very best of international writing from the Caribbean, its diasporas and the UK.
PM Press amplifies the voices of radical authors, artists, and activists.
Small Town Girl is looking for totally awesome manuscripts that take place in or about the Awesome 80s. Fiction or Nonfiction.
SmartPop is the ultimate book publishing destination for fandom and pop culture.They have worked with well known and established authors including Cory Doctorow, Lawrence Block, Dennis Lehane, and Jane Espenson.
The Feminist Press publishes books that ignite movements and social transformation. Celebrating our legacy, we lift up insurgent and marginalized voices from around the world to build a more just future.
Third World Press provides quality literature that primarily focuses on issues, themes, and critique related to an African American public. The Third World Press Foundation mission is to make this literature accessible to as many individuals as possible including our targeted market of primarily African American readers.
Timber Press is devoted to sharing the wonders of the natural world by publishing books from experts in the fields of gardening, horticulture, and natural history. Their list includes gardening how-to, garden design, popular science, nature, garden literature, and both regional and national field guides. They consider new book ideas from authors and agents.
Torrey House Press publishes 8-10 books per year including literary fiction, full-length short story collections, essay collections, creative nonfiction including literary journalism, and the occasional anthology and memoir. They are interested in well-crafted work with environmental justice, natural history, or land stewardship themes, and writing that engages deeply with place.
Uproar Books looks for science-fiction and fantasy novels with realistic characters in highly imaginative worlds.