A List of Literary Magazines That Pay You!
by Writing Workshops Staff
3 years ago

Here is a handy list of literary magazines that pay you for your work!
Barrelhouse is an independent print journal publishing two issues a year and one of the most active on social media. They're a lot of fun but are only open for submissions sporadically throughout the year.
Bennington Review is a beautiful print journal publishing two issues a year. They're open for submissions from November 1 to May 8.
Black Warrior Review is a print journal publishing two issues a year and is open for submissions from December 1 to March 1, and then from June 1 to September 1.
The Carolina Quarterly is a print journal publishing four issues a year and they're open for submissions year-round.
The Cincinnati Review is a print journal publishing two issues a year and are open for submissions to their print issue from September 1 to January 1. Submissions to “miCRo” are open year-round.
Copper Nickel is a beautiful print journal publishing two issues a year and are open for submissions from January 15 to March 1, and then from September 1 to December 15.
Gulf Coast is another beautiful print journal publishing two issues and they're open for submissions from September 1 to March 1.
Nashville Review is an online lit mag publishing three issues a year and is open for submissions during the months of January, May, and September.
Raleigh Review is an independent journal publishing two issues a year and they're open for submissions from January through March, and then from July through October.
Shenandoah is an online lit mag publishing two issues a year and they are only open to submissions for short periods of time each year.
The Southern Review is a print journal publishing four issues a year and they are open for submissions from September 1 to January 1, with fiction submissions closing a month earlier than the rest on December 1.
West Branch is a print & digital journal publishing three issues a year and is open for submissions from August 1 to April 1.
And, if you need help getting your work out into the world join our Executive Director, Blake Kimzey, for his Publishing in Literary Journals to Launch Your Career Zoom Seminar on January 13th, 2022.
You might also enjoy How to Manage Your Career & Sell What You Write 1-Day Zoom Workshop, November 7th, 2021 with Ying Compestine.
Or Chloe Caldwell's Carving Out Space In The Literary World 1-Day Zoom Seminar, December 5th, 2021 .