Congrats to Workshop Alum Alexa T. Dodd on Winning the Uncharted Magazine Short Story Award Judged by A. C. Wise
by Writing Workshops Staff
A year ago

Congratulations to workshop alum Alexa T. Dodd for winning the Uncharted Magazine Short Story Award: The Aftermath judged by A. C. Wise!
The daughter of a Mexican immigrant and a Polish-German Midwesterner, Alexa draws on the mixed cultures of her upbringing to craft stories about identity, inheritance, and family. Her work was the winner of the 2021 Puerto del Sol Prose Contest, a semi-finalist in the Nimrod Literary Awards, and has appeared in LitHub, Aquifer: The Florida Review Online, River Teeth Journal, and elsewhere. The first chapters of her current novel-in-progress were shortlisted in the Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize.
Alexa attended Writing Workshops Dublin (2023) with Stewart O'Nan, and we couldn't be more excited for her on winning this contest! Congrats, Alexa! Learn more about Alexa and her work here.