Cynthia Stock Published in the Winning Writers Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2022
by Writing Workshops Staff
2 years ago

Congratulations to workshop student Cynthia Stock! Her nonfiction piece "A Final Deployment" was named Honorable Mention in the 2022 Winning Writers Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest!
The 2022 contest received 2,441 entries. Judged by Mina Manchester, Cynthia won $200 and publication. You can read "A Final Deployment" here.
Congratulations, Cynthia!
BIO: Cynthia Stock retired after 43 years in Critical Care Nursing. During her career she pursued creative writing through various institutions and mentors. She enjoys being a 71-year-old who writes fiction and nonfiction gleaned from fragments of an ordinary life. Short works have appeared in Memoryhouse, Shark Reef, The Manifest-Station, Lunch Ticket a-la-carte, HerStry, as well as several anthologies. The Final Harvest of Judah Woodbine was published in 2014; it follows the challenges faced by a polio survivor long before PTSD was identified, including the accidental shooting of his wife. Her current work in progress is autofiction, Clocked Out: A Nurse's Life After Hours.