Iceland 2023 Workshop Alum Yvonne Conza Published in MQR!
by Writing Workshops Staff
A year ago

Workshop alum Yvonne Conza has new nonfiction published in the latest issue of Michigan Quarterly Review, where you can read her piece "Inheritance".
Yvonne worked on "Inheritance" in Isaac Fitzgerald's 2023 Nonfiction Workshop in Iceland. We're really excited to see this fantastic piece published in such a great literary journal! Congrats, Yvonne!
YVONNE CONZA is a writer in Miami. She has words in Longreads, The Believer, Catapult, Joyland, Pleiades, Blue Mesa Review, and other outlets. She has been a finalist in many competitions, which has fueled a dogged determination to tell the stories needing to be told. She is Assistant Nonfiction Editor for Pithead Chapel and the co-author of the user-friendly dog training guide Training for Both Ends of the Leash (Penguin).