Workshop Alum Patricia Fancher Published in Electric Literature
by Writing Workshops Staff
A year ago

Workshop alum Patricia Fancher has new nonfiction published at Electric Literature! You can read her piece "We Need to Tell a Different Kind of Love Story" here.
Patricia worked on this piece in Chloe Caldwell's Six Essays in Six Weeks workshop and also attended our Workshop in Paris, France. We're really excited to see this fantastic piece published in such a great literary journal! Congrats, Patricia!
Patricia Fancher has a PhD in Rhetoric and studies rhetorical theory, feminist and queer rhetoric and digital media. She teaches Writing and Gender Studies, Digital Storytelling, Rhetoric, Writing 2, among other courses. Her research has been published in Peitho, Composition Studies, Rhetoric Review, Present Tense, Computers & Composition and Enculturation. In addition to her research, she also designs and produces feminist digital media, which can be found in the Fall 2015 and 2016 issues of Peitho Journal. She's also published creative non-fiction essays in Huffington Post, Washington Post, Northwest Review, Catapult and Avidly.