Understanding Structure & Plot for Fiction Writers, a Zoom Seminar on Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
Live Seminar via Zoom from 6:00PM - 8:00PM Eastern
Now Enrolling!
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Instructor April Davila is an award-winning author, speaker, and writing coach. Publisher's Weekly called her debut novel, 142 Ostriches, a "vivid, uplifting debut" and the book went on to win the WILLA Award for Women Writing the West. Writer's Digest listed her blog as one of the Best 101 Websites for Writers. She has taught at conferences and workshops online and in person in both the US and Mexico. She is a practicing Buddhist, a half-hearted gardener, and an occasional runner. Her second novel is forthcoming.
Writers often mistake story structure and plot as one and the same. However, understanding the distinction between the two is crucial for anyone seeking to craft a compelling narrative. By teasing structure and plot apart and looking at them individually, with specific examples, we can come to understand BOTH our story and how we choose to tell it. This course will deepen the writer's understanding of stories and inspire innovative ways to tell them.
When I was working on my second novel I really struggled with how to structure it, so I pulled all my favorite books off the shelf and studied how they worked. What I realized was that structure (how a story is told) is actually not the same as plot (what happens in the story). Exploring further, I found that every novel fit into one of 7 story structures, but the unique ways authors used those structures made every story distinct and interesting. I created this course to help authors understand plot and structure separately, so that they can more easily understand what it is they're trying to write and move towards a finished draft with confidence.
Technically, this is a lecture style class, but I don't like the term lecture. I like to imagine that I'm simply sharing something I have figured out that can make another writer's journey a little easier. So I leave lots of room for discussions and questions as I go along. It will be informal, but also highly informative. This class is for long-form fiction writers who have a pretty good sense of the story they're trying to tell. They are very likely well into a first draft, if not a second or third, and feeling a little like the story has gotten away from them, like it's some sort of unruly beast that they can't quite tame. Deciding on a structure is key. It helps us, as the author, to know what belongs on the page.
This, in turn, helps us get the draft done.
We will talk through the traditional story beats of three-act storytelling, looking at how to use plot to meet and subvert reader expectation. Then, we will move on to talking about structure and look at the 7 most used story structures as well as how authors are using them in unique and interesting ways.
Can't Make It Live?
No problem! The session will be recorded and available to watch after the seminar concludes. Reserve your spot now and take the first step towards transforming your writing!
- A solid understanding of the difference between plot and structure.
- New perspective on how to structure their own story.
- Examples of the 7 most commonly used structures and how authors use them in unique and interesting ways.
The first 30 minutes will be a discussion of three act plotting. The rest of the time will be devoted to structure - what is it, what are commonly used structures, and and how can writers put their own unique spin on existing structures. There will also be time for Q&A.COURSE TESTIMONIALS:
April is a thoughtful, considerate, fun, gentle, and genuine ally in this challenging, meaningful quest. No "magic recipes," no demanded "steps for success," just really thoughtful help and guidance. -former student
Taking a group workshop with April reignited my love of reading, and boosted my own confidence in writing by sharing my writing with others and assuring me that it's okay to write in the slivers when all you have is slivers of time. -former student
I stumbled upon April's course... somehow. I was about ten minutes into retiring from my day job and turning to my writing full-time. However I found her, I got extremely lucky when I did. She's a thoughtful, considered, fun, gentle, and genuine ally in this challenging, meaningful quest. Before working with April I really wasn't sure where to even focus my energies. Her course helped me determine that for myself. No "magic recipes," no demanded "steps for success," just really thoughtful help and guidance. -former student
April’s lectures were great, both in advice regarding the craft of writing and in the practice of meditation. I never felt lectured to. I’m not sure how she did that, but it was really easy to absorb the information that she offered. April has quality training in meditation and also in the critique of our writing as her students, I was tremendously impressed. I can give it my hearty recommendation. Clear, focused, interesting, stimulating, challenging. None of these words are exaggerations. This was a very worthwhile course for me as an emerging writer. -former student
What's really been good about working with April is the continuity of a daily process. Writing daily keeps the story running in my head, and I find myself working out issues that have come up earlier in my writing practice, even when I'm not actually writing. I jot down ideas and solutions as I go about my regular day, and I 'm loving this writing life. Thank you, April! -former student
Instructor: April Davila
The class is on Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
Live Seminar via Zoom from 6:00PM - 8:00PM Eastern
- Tuition is $75 USD.
If you have questions, please use the Chat Button or contact us via email HERE.