Student Lisa Johnson Mitchell Published in X-Ray Magazine!
by Writing Workshops Staff
3 years ago

Congratulations to Lisa Johnson Mitchell! X-Ray Magazine has published her story "Dirty Laundry."
Lisa has taken several of our classes, including Lit Hub Contributing Editor Lisa Levy's Pitch to Publish workshop.
Thank you for letting us be part of your writing journey, Lisa! Keep us posted on your work. We're rooting for you!
BIO: Lisa Johnson Mitchell's work has appeared in Fictive Dream, Cleaver, and Litro Online, among others. One of her stories placed in the Top 10 of the 2020 Columbia Journal Short Fiction Contest. Another received an Honorable Mention from Glimmer Train and was a Semi-Finalist in the ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Contest. She was a resident at the Vermont Studio Center and holds an MFA from Bennington College. She has a rescue pup named Cornbread.