MasterClass on Crafting Compelling Openings in Fiction with Gordy Sauer
by Writing Workshops Staff
A year ago

If you missed Gordy Sauer's free MasterClass on Crafting Compelling Openings in Fiction you can watch the replay on YouTube.
List of Books Gordy Mentions
- Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
- Toni Morrison, Beloved
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
- Tom Franklin, Poachers
- Stephen King, IT
- Fernando A. Flores, Tears of the Truffle Pig
- Tana French, In the Woods
- James A. McLaughlin, Bearskin
- Tom Lin, The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu
Buy Gordy's Novel:
If you haven't yet read Gordy's novel, Child in the Valley, you can purchase your copy HERE.
Upcoming Classes
Questions on the craft of writing and querying came up during Gordy's seminar. If you'd like a deeper dive into the elements of fiction or the business of writing, check out our upcoming classes.